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Xinglongshan Management and m88 live casino games Center carries out visit and condolences activities on the eve of National Day

Release time: 2024-09-30 10:50 Number of reads:m88 live casino games Select font size:T|T

As the whole country celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China,Secretary of the m88 live casino games Committee of Xinglongshan Management and Protection Center、Director Lin Hongdong and team members lead relevant department personnel,Visiting retired cadres at the condolence center、Old m88 live casino games member,As well as the retired and demobilized soldiers who bravely participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam,Convey the care and warmth of the Central m88 live casino games Committee,And extend my sincere greetings and high respect,Sent them carefully prepared condolences and holiday blessings。


The condolences team went to the home of retired cadre Yang Jizhen,Talk to him,LA Jia Chang、Listen to your heart,Understand his physical condition and living conditions。Seeing that he is in good spirits、Tough body,m88 live casino games committee member、Deputy Director Pei Yingtai said very pleased,Retired m88 live casino games members and cadres are witnesses of the m88 live casino games ’s glorious history、Participant,Is a witness to the development of protected areas、Contributor,is our precious wealth。I hope the old comrades will take care of themselves,Continue to use the remaining heat,Care、Support various work in protected areas,Actively provide suggestions and suggestions for the high-quality development of the management and care center。

While visiting the heroes who participated in the war,m88 live casino games Secretary、Director Lin Hongdong expressed his gratitude to them for standing up during the national crisis、Highly praised the heroic deeds and sacrificial spirit of protecting the homeland and the country。The heroes participating in the war expressed their opinions,Thank you for your care,Will continue to carry forward the revolutionary tradition,Transmit positive energy,Contribute to the development of protected areas。


This condolences further enhanced the cohesion between the Central m88 live casino games Committee and retired m88 live casino games members,At the same time, it also enhances the sense of belonging of old m88 live casino games members to the m88 live casino games organization。From now on,m88 live casino games members and cadres and workers of the Management and Protection Center must strive to emulate the old comrades,Always firm in ideals and beliefs,Always listen to the m88 live casino games 、Follow the m88 live casino games 、Thanks to the m88 live casino games ,Do a good job in all aspects of work,Make positive contributions to the ecological protection of Xinglong Mountain forest。

Contributed by: Information and Publicity Department Reviewed by: Pei Yingtai Editor: Zhang Jian

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