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The Provincial Administration Bureau organizes the verification of the operation and management of state-owned m88 review of Xinglongshan Management and Protection Center

Release time: 2024-10-12 14:25 Number of reads:m88 review Select font size:T|T

10Month 10th,The operation and management of the state-owned m88 review of our center organized by the m88 review Division of the Provincial Government Affairs Administration、Verification of asset inventory results。


The inspection team arrived at Xinglongshan Nursery、Majia Temple m88 review Station、Visitor Service Center、HorseTitleMountain m88 review Station EnterConduct on-site verification,On-site verification of the current status and management and use of state-owned m88 review of our center。By listening to the report,View financial information、Fixed asset card、Asset Inventory Report,Homes and structures in my center、Vehicle、Check the cleaning results of large equipment and other fixed m88 review item by item。The verification team fully affirmed the results of our center’s asset inventory,Believe that the special asset inventory data is true and valid,There are no inefficient idle m88 review ,All state-owned m88 review are in use,No accounting and actual discrepancy problem。

Verification Team Requirement,Strictly follow the "Measures for the Management of State-owned m88 review of Administrative Institutions",Further strengthening the management of state-owned m88 review ,Improving the management system,Implement work responsibilities,Refining work measures,Update the data,Prevent asset loss,Effectively improve state-owned m88 review management capabilities and management levels,Ensuring the safety and integrity of state-owned m88 review ,Maximize asset efficiency。

Contributed by: Planning and Finance Section Reviewed by: Chen Yuping Editor: Zhang Jian

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